Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Twosday Morning

Mmmmm....I'm having a slow morning. Woke up at 6:20 (thanks to my annoying alarm clock)....got ready for work by 6:40 (so dh could have the bathroom) and went to check my 900 plus emails. Sheesh. I joined a yahoo chatgroup connected with Bonnie and Quiltville - she announced a mystery and opened up the group for those who wanted to work on it. It's been open about a week and has over 1000 members! And they are chatty! I whack away at about 100 a day, but they're posting 2-300....and with Kevin home EVERY night last week (except Thursday - he knew better than to be home on quilting night!), I couldn't check my email for days!

I've been soooo busy these past couple of weeks. When I'm not running around like the proverbial chicken, I'm too tired to think. So, I thought I'd take this moment or two to post.

Dd has her school Christmas program tomorrow morning. Then she has her church program tomorrow night. Wish I had a bigger memory card for my camera. Maybe I'll get one today and call it an early Christmas present.

Thursday is Quilting night, and I'm hoping we're gonna do a little dinner/potluck kind of thing. I guess I better see what I can arrange today. Friday is madly-dashing-about-looking-for-stocking-stuffers day after work. I refuse to shop over the weekend (except groceries, of course!)....so whatever I have by Friday night is what people are gonna get.

Christmas cards are out. I'll be baking cookies tonight (for lack of any other time available to do it!). Kevin found a new recipe for chocolate/caramel sandies that are to die for! Mmmmmm.... He baked all weeekend - the sandies, oatmeal caramel chewies, my chocolate pecan bars, snickerdoodles, and peanut butter blossoms. Then he loaded them all up on a tray and took them to the hospital for his "staff". We got about a dozen broken and dropped cookies out of the whole experience. So I decided that I'd bake like crazy, give the neighbors a few, bring a few to work, and then kill myself with choclate, caramel and sugar. What a way to go!

The headache that never ends is still here. Got it the day after Thanskgiving. It won't go away. And yes, I've been to the doctor. He prescribed antibiotics. Fat lot of good they did. Might have more to do with the newly-elevated blood pressure....ya think? Sooooo, I'm living on Ibuprofen. Euch........

Anyway, I'm here at work, Richard is off at a mediation, and I have a little work to do...but definitely not enough to keep me busy all day!

Sorry no pictures....maybe later I'll hae a mo to upload a few of the girly and her Christmas preparations.....


Ye Merrie Quilter said...

Wow! I haven't checked your blog for a few days, and you just posted 30 minutes ago! Crazy! Christmas break starts in about two hours... I need to go up to Bellingham in the next couple of days. Maybe we can arrange a luncheon with the girls (Linda, Donna, Michele, etc)? Can't wait to see pics of the holiday performances!

Ye Merrie Quilter said...

STill nothin' new at the doghouse, eh? You gotta get yerself something new! Pictures of something...maybe that Damn Bowtie quilt you keep talking about. How's it coming?