Saturday, January 03, 2009

Look Ma, No Tooth!

Well, it finally happened! Olivia and Kevin and I went to Bob's Burger and Brew last night for a New Years dinner, and we had a momentous occasion. Olivia has had a loose tooth for a while, and while eating dinner last night, it kinda turned around on her. She was trying to turn it back the right way when, yep, you guessed it, it popped out! She now has a gap in her teeth on the bottom. The Tooth Fairy came in the middle of the night and took that first tooth and left her a pretty gold coin - "and it was made a long time ago. Today I showed it to my daddy and I put it in my piggy bank. I forgot to show my mommy. " That's the whole story according to Olivia.
We are off to see Karen and sew at her house in Everett today. Michele is coming with us....and I better get my stuff together and ready. Hopefully I will have a UFO or two to show for my efforts!

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