Wednesday, January 07, 2009

The Pacific North Wet

Holey, moley - there be some wild weather going on here! First it snowed in mid-December. We had our first truly white Christmas that I can remember in over 45 years. Then the snow just kept staying, and staying, and, oh, here comes the rain. After record breaking snow (most snow in some areas, sticking around the longest - breaking records all the way back to 1860!), the rain has arrived - it's around 50 degrees and one end of the state is cut off from the other! I-5, the main north-south freeway on this side of the mountains, is covered in water from milepost 34 to milepost 88! To make things even most interesting, all three passes over the Cascades are closed due to avalanche danger and flooding, so the northwest corner (where I live) is isolated from everywhere else. The only way to escape is by plane!

Got up this morning, roused the girly and chased her around trying to get her ready for school. On a fluke, I checked my email as she was washing up, and lo and behold, the school emailed that they were closed due to flooding and the closure of over 100 roads in Whatcom County. Did I get out of work? Nooooo...I drove in. I didn't have any problems. Thank goodness.

Our rivers will crest at 4 am. Wanna bet there will be no school tomorrow? make it worse, the Christmas program, postponed due to snow and ice, is scheduled for tomorrow night! I don't see that happening. Poor kids. They were so excited to get to do their program!

Sorry - no pics today. Too wet to go photographing the flood. Maybe tomorrow....

Break out the paddles and life preservers!

1 comment:

Ye Merrie Quilter said...

I'm wondering if Ben will have school tomorrow. The local river is one of the last to recede and may still be impassible. I have to check the web sites. Maybe Olivia's school could have an combination Christmas-Easter celebration? He's alive! He's dead. He's alive again!