Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Dancing Queen

So, Olivia's first ballet recital is on Saturday. She is so excited to be on the big stage. They are holding the recital at the Mt. Baker Theater and it's a big deal around here. Tickets are $10 - serious money for a dance recital, if you ask me! But, well worth it to see her on stage. She is apparently first out on stage for her class. She has been whirling and twirling around the house for quite a few weeks now. A few weeks ago, the picture people came to photograph the classes. They had me fill out a form to order photos - without seeing what they looked like first! I thought they turned out quite nicely.

I especially liked the head shot - good angle on her face. She just looks so gosh darn growed up.
So - 2:00 on Saturday the show will go on. Tickets are available at the Mt. Baker - in person or online if you are interested in seeing a great show.
Otherwise, Guy and Paula arrived last night just moments after Donna left. Paula seems like a really nice lady. Guy is still Guy! Lol! Really, he is a good guy. Ar ar ar. We went to dinner at the Cliff House and had a nice time.
Well, back to work with me....

1 comment:

Ye Merrie Quilter said...

She looks so pretty!! What a darling! Hope the show went well!