Sunday, June 07, 2009

It's been a busy month. I have attended a Pirates Retreat (Aaargh, ye scurvy dogs!) and finished the mystery top we did there AND the row for the Row Robin due at tomorrow's guild meeting - early! The Tree quilt is coming along nicely. Donna is helming the design/assembly portion and it will be amazing. Everyone who has seen the design has been very impressed, by good reason! The Quilt Show Raffle Quilt is also coming along. The committee will be putting it together beginning this afternoon. I'm not participating because Kevin is working and Olivia would be bored stiff and a real distraction. It looks really cool, though.

Olivia is gearing up for her dance recital. It will be great fun...and we'll miss going to dance on Saturday mornings over the summer (but she'll have swimming instead).

Most notably, my dad is in the hospital for the last time. I know this because day before yesterday they removed him from dialysis and put him on hospice. He's down to 132 pounds (from the average of 175-190) and unable to swallow. He doesn't want a feeding tube or hydration, so it's just a matter of days. I spent the day with him yesterday, and it was good. He was awake and aware of my presence. I held his hand and talked about old times. At times we just sat and comtemplated the walls. Eleanor, my step mother, was holding it together, as she always does. She is a godsend. A pillar of strength. She obviously loves him very much, and it is very, very hard on her. I hope she will want to remain a part of our lives.

Well, I need to go get ready for church. I've got a lot of praying to do. And Olivia was invited (at the last minute) to a birthday party today for a girl in her dance class. I'm going to take her - more as a distraction than anything. I kinda feel sorry for the little girl whose party it is. She's kinda wild and ADHD, and the other girls in her class probably won't come because she annoys them all. Olivia kinda likes her, and it's here in Fern Prairie, so what the heck. I just have to come up with a card and present after church.

1 comment:

Ye Merrie Quilter said...

It's good that you went to support the little girl at the party. Emma, also, was drawn to a boy who was really wild with what some may have thought was ADHD, but his mother, a psychologist, decided it was actually ausbergers syndrome. He's a very bright kid, and through behavior modification has turned into a magnificent guy (who still has a soft spot for Em). No doubt this girl will turn out to be a great person, too. I am also saying prayers for your Dad and Eleanor and you. Take care, wyfe. Many hugs, K