Sunday, May 03, 2009

In an effort to post more often, I thought I'd jump in today and say "Hey". Life has been pretty mundane. I finished my blocks for the Common Threads Swap, but forgot to put a return envelope in, so I have to wait until I see Karen next (or send Chris down to get them if he's coming up for Olivia's birthday on Wednesday).

Speaking of Olivia, she decided she wanted a Pirate Party for her birthday. We have signed her up for a party through Parks and Rec at Bloedel Donovan. They run the party activities for 90 minutes and then we have 30 minutes to feed the kids and open presents. The party is from 12-2, so I suppose we'll do cheese pizza and cupcakes.

I am up for a day of laundry and sewing. Woo hoo! Life just doesn't get more exciting!

BTW: My camera is freaking out. Took some pix that came out looking like a color waterfall. So, needless to say, no pix today!

1 comment:

Ye Merrie Quilter said...

Wow! Lookie there! A post! I just happened to look to see if you had anything new. Sorry about the camera. Told you not to take a picture of me... :)
Babysitting Edward today...he's 2. What a cutie!