Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Retreat ho!

Well, I'm starting to pack for the guild retreat at Rosemary Heights. I know I don't leave until March 13, but the way things go around here, if I don't start now, I'll be panicking the night before because I can't find vital things like projects and power cords and....

My quilting buddies have been awesome about giving me lists of things to pack. I have compiled a complete list and will be happy to share with anyone going on a retreat. It's really, really long, so I won't post it here....but on the Moonlightquilters Yahoo site? Maybe.

So, my one reader, I am very excited about getting my quilt back - and am beginning to work on cutting strips for the binding. I am going to do the two-fabric self-piping all machine attached binding. AND, I will remember to put the hanging sleeve on this time! Hopefully I'll be able to salvage some backing fabric for that, but if not, I found a yard and a half chunk of the theme fabric that I can use.

Last night, Kevin and I scooped and shoved and actually made a dent in the house-that-looks-like-a-tornado-hit-it. Toys are off the floor and it is vacuumed. Books are pretty much put away. I can actually cut fabric tonight without too much guilt!

Sorry - no pix this time. I need to remember my camera more often.

1 comment:

Ye Merrie Quilter said...

The quilt is folded into its bag with the invoice and the leftover backing fabric--yes, I trimmed it for you! There should be plenty to make a hanging sleeve from the purple flannel. We'll be hitting the road shortly to get it to you!