Friday, April 10, 2009

Well, the retreat was AWESOME! We had so much fun! The chickens were hysterical...I may have to make some myself (we had 9 winners of 9 blocks each - I wasn't one of them...). Not sure what I would do with them, but they sure are bright! I did two - a green one with pink eye, and a blue stripey guy.

As soon as I arrived, I set up my sewing area. I had a table to myself, and pulled the card table out of my car (it came with it - standard equipment if you can believe that!) to use as a pressing table. Came in really handy. Thanks Donna for loaning me your table top ironing board!

I got a lot done....starting with a quilt that Karen quilted for me. I took it thinking I would add the binding and use it to sleep under. It turned out so cool! Karen did an amazing job with the quilting....she posted a close up on her blog - yemerriecuylter.

Since then, I haven't gotten much done other than friendship blocks. I've been so busy, this is the first opportunity I've had to blog! Hopefully things will settle down and I can get back into a routine. The positive? My house is cleaner than it has been in a long time!

Olivia is working hard on her ballet recital. It's not until June 20, but her costume came last week, and she has been practicing all over the house. Michele will join Kevin and me for the performance, which will be at the Mt. Baker Theater. I hope to video her portion. We have seats in the "Lodge" or the front of the balcony - second row on an end. It was that or row T on the main floor. No contest there!

Well, Happy Easter to my faithful reader(s). More later. Hopefully I'll get the hang of adding pix!

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